Energy Medicine Practice Classes in Sedona

Want to create more joy, vitality and health in your life?

Energy for Living - Energy for Life!

A weekly class
Wednesdays - 5:30 pm
Sundays - 10:00 am

All classes are at my home in West Sedona. Please email me (info @ or call (928.282.7614) to sign up and for directions

$8 drop in, $36 for 6 classes
1 to 1 1/2 hours per class

We practice simple and effective energy medicine techniques, with the focus on daily, self-care exercises, and ways to identify imbalances in the energy systems. We also learn hands-on techniques that can be used with a partner to improve and balance the flow of energy, restore vitality and increase joy and well-being. It's a class for everyone: from the layperson, interested in better health, to the healthcare professional.

The class is fun, uplifting, and offers a wealth of useful tools based on Donna Eden's style of Energy Medicine. We also draw on Qi Gong, shiatsu and other massage techniques to wake up our energies and bring us back into balance. If you have Donna's book, Energy Medicine, bring it along, as you'll find it useful for looking up points we're working on, or just getting a visual of a certain technique. You can also buy the book at the class for $16. The Energy Medicine Kit is also available for $29.

You'll enjoy this class and learn lots of valuable techniques, whether or not you have any experience of energy work or massage. It's on a drop-in basis, so you can join at any time.

See you there!

If you need more information, directions, or would like to suggest another day/time (depending on interest, I'm willing to change), leave me a comment with your email address and I'll get in touch.

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